Welcome To Our New Website!
Welcome To Our New Website!
Stead Lane Primary School

What have we done this year?

t has been a busy year, as usual! Nothing stays the same for long, and this year has been dominated by a new curriculum and a different method of assessment. We are fortunate at Stead Lane to have such forward thinking, hard working staff because this year they have proved to be leaders in both areas, and the children certainly benefit. Governors have attended sessions to learn about these initiatives and are now in a position to monitor the progress children make more effectively.
This year we have introduced half-termly “learning walks” for all governors. These last about half a day and we look at a particular aspect of learning each time, for example we watch Maths and English lessons, look at pupil books, talk to pupils and generally monitor the progress of children.

We have special meetings to look at financial aspects and approve the budget, to review how well the school meets targets, as well as to be trained in safeguarding, the curriculum and assessment, to give just a few examples.

Individual governors have visited to look at

  • the safety and well-being of children,
  • Maths, English and other subject curriculum and planning,
  • the use of pupil premium money,
  • the school website, links with parents
  • the maintenance, safety and security of the school buildings and grounds
  • staff appraisal
  • employment of staff

This is in addition to our regular termly meetings and committee meetings. We have three committees

  • The Curriculum
  • Staffing and Financial
  • Buildings and Premises

All governors try to attend all the committee meetings, because we have found this helps keep all governors properly informed and allows more discussion than we have time for at the termly formal meeting.