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Welcome To Our New Website!
Stead Lane Primary School

School Lunches

Lunch Time
A two-course meal is provided daily. Menus are designed to meet the nutritional requirements of young children and to introduce a wide variety of food. Social training is also an important aspect of the lunch period.

The Unit Manager enjoys the opportunity to make ‘special meals’ to support the curriculum and mark events during the year.

The children are supervised during the lunch break by lunchtime supervisory assistants.

All children in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 are entitled to Free School Meals through a government funded scheme from September 2014, regardless of your financial circumstances. It is still essential that if you are entitled to income related free school meals you apply, as greater benefits will be received by your child eg; free school milk. For more information about this please contact Mrs Burn in the school office on 01670 823171.

From Year 3 lunches must be paid for. These presently cost £2.30 per day.

All dinner money should be paid on a Monday. If your child is off on a Monday, please send dinner money the first day back to school. If the payment of school meals falls more than one week in arrears, parents will be requested to send a packed lunch until the outstanding amount is paid.

Provision is also made for those children who bring a packed lunch. If children choose to bring in packed lunches from home, they may bring water or fruit juices to drink with their meals. We try to promote healthy food choices – children are not allowed to bring chocolate bars (they may bring in biscuits).

Drinking Water

School provides each child with a plastic water bottle which they are expected to bring to school each day filled with fresh water. It has been proven that if children have regular access to water during the day they are more able to concentrate and make greater progress at school. If a bottle is lost, then a replacement is available from the school office for £1. Only still water is allowed – no fizzy drinks or cordials please.

School Meals Menu
Please click on the link below to view our current lunch menu.

Although every effort is made to ensure we serve what is on the menu, on occasion due to suppliers, substitutes will be made.

Week commencing

10th March is

Week 1

from our lunch menu