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Stead Lane Primary School

Ofsted Report

Our school was last inspected in June 2023. We were judged to be a Good School. The full Ofsted report can be found on the right hand side of the page. Here are some key statements:

Pupils are proud of their school. They say that they feel happy and valued. Pupils enjoy the positive relationships with their teachers. Parents agree. One parent said, ‘Staff members are very welcoming, and their commitment for all children’s learning shines through.’

Staff make sure that pupils’ well-being and welfare are their top priority. Pupils know that staff care for them. Pupils trust staff to help them if they have any worries. Skilled staff support pupils who may find managing their emotions more difficult.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Pupils understand these expectations. They conduct themselves well in lessons and play cooperatively. Pupils know what bullying is. Leaders deal with any such incidents swiftly and effectively. This helps pupils to feel safe and secure.

This is an inclusive school. Leaders and staff are determined to help all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve well. Leaders successfully use educational outings, visitors and clubs to enrich the curriculum. Pupils enjoy learning because teachers make it interesting and relevant.

Pupils take pride in the leadership roles they have in the school. They are keen to make a positive difference to the school and local community.

Ofsted Report
Please click below to view a copy of our latest Ofsted Inspection Report