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Stead Lane Primary School

School Uniform

Uniform Orders
School uniform can be ordered any time  – please complete the form below and return it to the office. Alternatively Emblematic, our school uniform supplier, have a store on Glebe Road, Bedlington so uniform can also be purchased in store or visit their online store at www.emblematic.co.uk


It’s really important that children wear the correct school uniform. Wearing a uniform sets a boundary between home and school life. It helps the children to put them into a ‘working environment’ mindset.

Wearing a uniform helps the children to realise that everyone is equal. It also takes off the pressure to wear the latest fashionable brands.

The school uniform for children at Stead Lane is affordable and can be purchased at many supermarkets at ‘value’ prices.

Children are able to come to school in their PE kit on PE days.

UNIFORM (non- PE days)

Reception to Year 4:

  • Grey / Black trousers or shorts 
  • Grey / Black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers
  • Blue and White gingham dress
  • White or royal blue polo shirt
  • Round neck Royal Blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan
    (Optional) Royal Blue Fleece

Years 5 and 6:

  • White Shirt
  • V-Neck Royal Blue Sweatshirt or Jumper
  • Grey / Black trousers or shorts
  • School Tie (year 5 will receive one free tie at the start of the year)
    (Optional) Royal Blue Fleece

Sweatshirts, Fleeces, Cardigans, Polo Shirts, Fleeced Rain Jackets and T-Shirts with school logo are available by order from school or by visiting Emblematic on Glebe Road, Bedlington or via their website www.emblematic.co.uk

However, children do not need to wear branded clothes, as long as they are the correct colours.


On PE day your child can come to school in their school PE kit which should consist of a white or royal blue t-shirt with royal blue shorts with black jogging bottoms and their school jumper on top (not a hoodie / other non-uniform)


Children should come into school wearing plain black shoes or trainers. There shouldn’t be any logos / brightly coloured laces and should not have heels (of more than half an inch) – the children need to be able to run safely at break time and not be at risk of falling over. Boots are not part of the school uniform.


We do not allow children to wear any jewellery in school on health and safety grounds. Children should not have earrings, metal or plastic studs are not permitted.