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Welcome To Our New Website!
Stead Lane Primary School

Child Protection and Safeguarding

Parents and carers need to know that their children are going to be safe. We will do all we can to achieve this by ensuring all staff and volunteers are police checked, that they receive appropriate training, supervision and support so that their practice is safe for children.

We have a duty to work within Northumberland’s Child Protection Guidelines which set out, for all those working in Northumberland, how best to keep children safe.

Because of these responsibilities and how seriously we take them, we have our own policy and guidelines for staff and volunteers so that they are clear what is expected of them.

We also have a key person for Safeguarding within school. In our school the designated safeguarding leads are Mrs Rowley and Mr Pallas.

Please click on the link below to view our current Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy:

What does this mean for Parents and Carers?

Families want the best for their children and our parents/carers deserve our full support in helping to achieve this.

We appreciate that bringing up children can be a very stressful job. Sometimes a parent or carer may have difficulties (through illness, or separation from a partner or lack of family support for example) which may for a time, affect their care of their children. In these circumstances please come and talk to us.

Our aim will always be to offer support to parents/carers and their children and to help families through such difficult times.

Because we believe in working openly and honestly with families, we will discuss any worries we have about a child with the parent/carer. Only in very exceptional cases would we act before speaking to a parent/carer first.

Where parents/carers have concerns about the standard of our services, especially about our ability to keep their children safe, we want you to tell us about this, either informally, by raising your concerns with a relevant member of staff or by our complaints procedure. All our Policies and Procedures will be reviewed and updated regularly.

In some situations where, after careful thought, we feel that the support Stead Lane Primary School has to offer is not enough to keep a child safe or to promote their welfare we may discuss our concerns with Children’s Services. Again we would continue to work with and support a parent or carer through this period.

Our school is an Operation Encompass School to find out more please read the document below.