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Welcome To Our New Website!
Stead Lane Primary School

Governor Pen Portraits

Mr Ivan Hewitt

Co-opted Governor / Chair of Governors

I am a Co-opted Governor.

My son attended Stead Lane until 2019.

I work for Northumberland County Council as the Senior Project and Appraisal Officer for the Rural Business Growth Service.

Before becoming Chair of Governors I was involved particularly with Health and Safety and Pupil Premium and I have found being a governor interesting and rewarding.

As the current Chair of Governors I attend planned meetings and make frequent visits to the school. I also attend briefing sessions for chairs and vice-chairs of governors organised by the local authority.

I have no financial or business interest in the school or staff, and have no personal relationship with any member of staff.

Naomi Forrest

Parent Governor / Vice Chair

I am married with two children, who both attend Stead Lane, as I did when I was young. I am a recently qualified teaching assistant with plans to progress into teaching, having taught piano and singing for several years.

I am currently a parent governor. I have recently taken the role of vice-chair and am looking forward to moving forward in this position.

I am one of the governors with responsibility for English.

I have no financial or business interest in the school or staff, and have no personal relationship with any member of staff.

I attend virtually all the planned meetings of the governors in school, as well as training sessions. In addition, I will be undertaking further training to expand my knowledge of my role as vice-chair of the governing body.

Gayle Bartram

Parent Governor

I am a Parent Governor.

I have two sons attending Stead Lane Primary School.

I do not have a background in education but form part of a governing body which has a wide variety of backgrounds and skills.

I currently work in accounting and finance and have done so for the last 19 years.

I have no financial or business interest in the school or staff, and have no personal relationship with any member of staff.

I attend virtually all Full Governing Body Meetings as well as Sub-Committee meetings discussing Curriculum, Staffing & Finance and Premises.   I also attend training sessions required by Governors from time to time.

Bill Crosby

Co-opted Governor

I am a co-opted Governor

I was born and brought up in Bedlington and having spent my formative years in Terrier Close, was a pupil at Stead Lane, albeit 55 years ago!

I am a retired Police Officer and am currently serving as the elected County Councillor for Bedlington East ward within which the school lies.

I am a Governor with responsibility for safeguarding.

I have attended almost all the meetings since being appointed and have also attended a training session, with school staff, regarding safeguarding.

I have no financial or business interest in the school or staff, and have no personal relationship with any member of staff.

Jamie Carrick

Co-opted Governor

I am a Co-opted Governor.

I have three daughters who all attend Stead Lane Primary school.

I do not have a background in education but form part of a governing body which has a wide variety of backgrounds and skills.

I currently work as a staff nurse and have done so for the past twelve years.

I have no financial or business interest in the school or staff, and have no personal relationship with any member of staff.

I attend virtually all Full Governing Body Meetings as well as Sub-Committee meetings discussing, Curriculum, Staffing & Finance and Premises.   I also attend training sessions required by Governors from time to time.’

Connor Peebles

Staff Governor

I have been at Stead Lane Primary for nearly two years and have really enjoyed working in this vibrant school where I currently teach in KS2.

I am passionate about ensuring that children of all abilities and backgrounds are able to reach their full potential.

I am also committed to providing children with a creative curriculum that promotes their natural curiosity.

Becoming a member of the governing body will provide me with further opportunities to contribute to the vision, ethos, and strategic direction of Stead Lane.